According to the American Water Works Association (AWWA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will announce its final rule on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water as soon as this week. Because of the high level of public interest in PFAS, water utilities should prepare for media and customer inquiries resulting from the announcement.

Water utilities are encouraged to proactively communicate with their communities about what their water system is doing to address PFAS exposure.

In responding to inquiries, AWWA recommends that utilities:

  • Acknowledge the concern all contaminants present to safe drinking water. Utilities should emphasize to media and consumers that the utility is committed to protecting public health.
  • Point out that the utility seeks out and monitors for unregulated contaminants under UCMR to stay ahead of potential health risks.
  • Make clear that the utility’s water meets federal and state standards for safety, while clearly explaining any Safe Drinking Water Act violations incurred.
  • Focus on how water risks are assessed and managed, using the rigorous scientific framework of the Safe Drinking Water Act, along with state regulations.
  • Invite media and consumers to learn more about local water quality by providing them with consumer confidence reports (CCR) and other web-based information or connecting them to the appropriate utility contact.
  • If possible, contact the local health department and/or a trusted academic voice to collaborate in communicating about PFAS.

To-date, EPA has not indicated any intent to deviate substantially from the maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) in its March 2023 proposed rule. The proposed PFAS drinking water rule established maximum contaminant level goals (MCLGs) and maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for six PFAS. While the specific requirements of the final rule are not yet known, utilities are advised to prepare as if the proposed rule will not change significantly from the final.

Capital Strategic Solutions offers comprehensive support to water utilities in managing communication about emerging contaminants like PFAS to their consumers. Recognizing the complexities and concerns associated with these substances, our services include the operation of dedicated hotlines and the monitoring of emails, providing a direct channel for addressing consumer inquiries and concerns promptly.

Additionally, we specialize in crafting clear and informative social media posts and news releases, designed to educate the public about PFAS and related health implications. By ensuring consistent and accurate communication, Capital Strategic Solutions plays a crucial role in building trust between water utilities and the communities they serve, facilitating a transparent dialogue about water safety and the measures being taken to protect public health.

For more information about Capital Strategic Solutions PFAS support offerings, email us at [email protected]