Join Capital Strategic Solutions on Tuesday, March 18 at 9 a.m. EDT, for our latest live Coffee Talk webinar, Grounds for Change: Building Better Staffing Strategies in Fire Services.

In this Coffee Talk episode, we delve into the critical staffing challenges facing the fire industry today. From recruitment and retention to burnout and budget constraints, the fire service is grappling with a workforce crisis that impacts public safety and firefighter well-being.

Join us as we discuss the root causes of these challenges, innovative solutions, and what the future might hold for the brave individuals on the frontlines.

Our expert panel includes:

  • Steve Coleman, Fire Chief, Town of Auburn, MA
  • Dan Sullivan, Fire Chief, City of Lynn, MA
  • Paul Normandin, Senior Project Manager, Capital Strategic Solutions
  • Tom Impey, Senior Project Manager, Capital Strategic Solutions
  • Webinar Host: Liz Kalaijian, Project Manager, Capital Strategic Solutions

Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance from the panel.

To join the live Zoom webinar discussion from PC, Mac, iPad, or Android:


Phone one-tap:

+13126266799,,83032884507#,,,,*244987# US (Chicago)

+16465588656,,83032884507#,,,,*244987# US (New York)

Join via audio:

+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

+1 646 931 3860 US

Webinar ID: 830 3288 4507

Passcode: 244987

International numbers available:

Capital Strategic Solutions is proud to host these important webinars and to offer more learning experiences in the coming months through our Lunch n’ Learn Empowering Excellence: Strategies and Insights for Municipal Success series of webinars. 

Be sure to look for more of our Coffee Talk: Spilling the Beans on Municipal Matters series of webinars designed to bring together municipal leaders and subject matter experts to examine important contemporary issues in the fields of governance and constituent services and outreach. 

If there is a topic that you would like us to investigate for a potential Coffee Talk, Lunch n’ Learn or training webinar, please email us at [email protected]