Join Capital Strategic Solutions on Monday, February 24 at 10 a.m. ET, as we spill the beans about municipal matters in our latest Coffee Talk webinar, How and Why to Create a Successful Summer Internship Program.

We’ll discuss the benefits of attracting students to a career in local government and how to administer a successful summer internship program. We’ll give you the details about how to time your program, funding mechanics, state grants available, potential ways to utilize summer interns for different department needs and the dual benefits for both municipal staff and students.

We’ll also share real-life examples of summer interns that went on to become exemplary local government employees, demonstrating that a summer internship program can be an investment in your municipality’s future.

Our expert panel includes:     

  • Nichol Figueiredo, CEO, Capital Strategic Solutions
  • Trish Bernard, Sr. Project Manager, Capital Strategic Solutions
  • Greg Bunn, Executive Director, Metro South/West Workforce Board
  • Meghan Burke, Director, Metro South/West Workforce Board’s Youth Connections Program
  • Trey Fuccillo, Ward 6 City Councilor, City of Marlborough & Former Local Government Intern
  • Mark Gibbs, Director of Information Technology Services, City of Marlborough

Participants will also have the opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance from the panel.

To join the live Zoom webinar discussion from your PC, Mac, iPad, or Android, click the following link:


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+1 305 224 1968 US

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Webinar ID: 863 3080 4034

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Capital Strategic Solutions looks forward to hosting this important webinar and offering participants more learning experiences in the coming months through our Lunch n’ Learn Empowering Excellence: Strategies and Insights for Municipal Success series of webinars.

Be sure to look for more of our Coffee Talk: Spilling the Beans on Municipal Matters series of webinars designed to bring together municipal leaders and subject matter experts to examine important contemporary issues in the fields of governance and constituent services and outreach.

If there is a topic that you would like us to investigate for a potential Coffee Talk, Lunch n’ Learn or training webinar, please email us at [email protected].