It is difficult to come in as an administrator and manage department heads who have been at their jobs for decades and may be reluctant to change procedures. As a new administrator you want to be taken seriously without being unreasonable.

Working with municipal department heads is a vital step to ensure effective governance and service delivery. Here are some strategies that may help.

Clearly define objectives and expectations verbally and in writing: Be sure the department’s goals align with the municipality’s overall mission. Clearly define these with your department heads orally and in writing, which can improve recall and follow up.

Empower them and foster a sense of ownership: Without micromanaging, give your department head the autonomy to make decisions within their realm of responsibility, and of course within their budget allowance. Your department heads are your community’s experts, empowering their decision making also increases government accountability

Encourage innovation and creative problem solving: We see this frequently in the municipal world. “We’ve always done it this way” or “why change what works.” Encourage innovation and creativity for problem-solving and curiosity within the industry. Ask things like- How do other communities do it? By doing research, you may not need to recreate the wheel.

Establish an open communication forum or open-door policy: How often do you meet with your department heads? Department heads need to be comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns. Regular discussions and feedback are helpful to address issues, options to repair or improve workflow or services. Most importantly, the Administrator needs to know what is going on.

Bring department heads out of their silos to collaborate: How often do you meet with all department heads simultaneously? Promote team collaboration periodically with a quick 15-minute run down virtually or consider offering a 30 minute in person coffee break or lunch while providing a monthly or quarterly recognition in some way to improve morale.

Foster continuous learning: Aside from certifications, how often does your staff receive training in their field? When was the last time your staff received customer service training? Do you expend your annual training budget? Look at group training options. In many instances, you will also be credited on your annual insurance premium.

Your community’s department heads are a valuable resource that can be shaped into an effective model that enhances collaboration and delivery of services. Leveraging their expertise with key communication strategies will enhance overall operations and the customer service experience.

At Capital Strategic Solutions we work as your Municipal Workforce on Wheels to provide high-quality, cost-effective services that improve departmental procedures and delivery of services. For more information about our services email [email protected]