In the realm of municipal infrastructure projects, the role of an experienced Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) is crucial for ensuring that plans are not only developed correctly but also executed flawlessly. At Capital Strategic Solutions (CSS), our OPMs bring extensive onsite experience with projects ranging from $2 million to over $50 million. This expertise is invaluable in minimizing future change orders and maximizing project efficiency. If your municipality doesn’t have an on-staff OPM, read on to learn how CSS can be an effective and cost-saving partner on your next project.

Ensuring Accurate Plan Development and Execution

One of the critical functions of an OPM is to conduct thorough plan reviews. For instance, during a large utility rehabilitation project, our OPMs at CSS questioned the recommendation of two 16-inch water mains by the engineering design team. By recommending a hydraulic model to assess water consumption and fire protection needs, we were able to reduce the size of the proposed water mains to 12 inches. This adjustment saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in materials and installation costs. This example illustrates the high-quality oversight and strategic problem-solving skills that our OPMs bring to every project.

The Role of OPMs in Securing SRF Funding

The Massachusetts State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan Program is a vital resource for cities, towns, and public water utilities looking to improve water supply infrastructure and ensure drinking water safety. This program offers low-interest financing for projects that meet federal and state water quality requirements, including wastewater treatment, stormwater management, and watershed management priorities.

To apply for an SRF loan, municipalities typically need to submit a Project Evaluation Form (PEF) by an August deadline. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) reviews these forms to rate and rank projects based on the severity of the public health or environmental problem addressed and the appropriateness of the proposed solution. Selected projects are listed in the Intended Use Plan (IUP), published annually (

One of the requirements for SRF funding is having an OPM on staff or engaging one, especially for complex projects. An OPM ensures that the project is managed effectively, meets regulatory requirements, and stays within budget and schedule. This requirement is crucial for maintaining the project’s readiness to proceed, a critical criterion for SRF financing

Why Choose Capital Strategic Solutions?

At CSS, our OPMs are equipped with the knowledge and experience necessary to navigate the complexities of municipal projects and SRF funding requirements. By partnering with CSS, cities and towns can ensure that their projects are developed correctly, built to last, and optimized for cost-efficiency. Our team’s commitment to excellence and strategic problem-solving sets us apart as a trusted partner in managing infrastructure projects.

For further details on the application process, required forms, and project management requirements, visit the Massachusetts State Revolving Fund page on

By choosing CSS as your OPM, you are investing in the successful execution and long-term sustainability of your municipal infrastructure projects. Let us help you turn your plans into reality with precision and expertise.