Today is World Youth Skills Day, a global initiative focused on empowering the next generation of leaders and innovators. Local government is ripe with opportunity for today’s students and young professionals, and the benefits for both parties make youth engagement an underutilized tool in the municipal toolbox.

The best way to engage young people and attract them to careers in public service is with an Internship Program. Internships are mutually beneficial. Student Interns offer unique perspectives and skills, and local government can help students bridge the gap between school and the professional world, while helping them build out their resume.

Benefits to consider for your town or city:

  • Phone and office coverage during peak summer vacation months
  • Complete projects that you ordinarily do not have time for
  • Filing and digitizing documents
  • Research and special projects
  • Invite interns to return during holiday breaks – they are already trained

During my twelve years in the Mayor’s Office with the City of Marlborough, I coordinated the Public Service Internship Program each summer offering college age students a paid 30-hour week/eight weeks of employment in city departments. Additionally, the school department coordinated a second program by working directly with MassHire and employed high school students through the YouthWorks Program. This program for high school students offered 25 hours per week over six weeks with Marlborough’s area business community and municipal positions. The two programs combined employed an average of 20 students annually. Department heads found real value in employing students and often would request them back during winter breaks.

You do not need a large budget to hire a few interns. If your town or city does not have the funding for a college internship program, there are grants available for summer interns. Our team’s experience in securing and managing grants for summer intern programs can assist in the process so your municipality can get the extra hand it needs. In our experience, this crucial first step requires diligent understanding of grant availability. From there building out the program and publicizing the positions in online spaces is equally important. Building a good intern program means very little if young people don’t know it exists as an opportunity.

The long-term benefits of this program cannot be overstated. During my time in Marlborough several interns returned to their positions and went on to start careers in public service. One former intern from our program joined the Marlborough Community Development Authority after his internship in an entry level position and in the years since has risen to leadership positions within the organization.

Current Ward 6 City Councilor, Trey Fuccillo is also an alum of the internship program. I had the privilege of working with Trey while he was an intern and saw the benefits of this program for young people with a keen interest in government. Trey adapted quickly while covering busy phones. He directed residents to appropriate departments, drafted press releases, posted social media updates, took on research projects and even collected outstanding receivables. While working in the Mayor’s Office, he was exposed to many facets of running a small city, and while still in college, he ran a successful campaign last fall for the Ward Six City Council seat.

During my internship, I became deeply connected to the work we accomplished. Whether it be helping constituents, working with department heads, or leading special projects, I found that my passion and purpose truly came together. In this role, I saw the difference public service can make on a community, which is why I decided to run for City Council. Now as a Councilor, I can utilize the skills and knowledge I learned in Mayor Vigeant’s Office to continue to make our community a better place.

Trey Fuccillo

Ward 6 Councilor, City of Marlborough MA

Let’s face it, we need to do a better job of exposing our youth to local government and investing in education and leadership development. They are our next generation of leaders.

Where CSS Can Help…

The CSS Team has the Human Resources, marketing talent, and experience to build a successful Internship program. Our Municipal experts can help your community attract and train talent. Learn more about our HR services at