In Massachusetts, the Department of Environmental Protection mandates that all cities and towns have a certified licensed operator on staff to oversee water system operations. Finding qualified individuals for these roles can be challenging, but Capital Strategic Solutions (CSS) is here to help.

CSS understands the importance of having knowledgeable personnel in place to ensure the proper management and maintenance of public water systems. CSS offers a solution to this problem with their team of certified operators—including an on-staff water system distribution D3 full operator—who are ready to assist with certification and operational needs.

According to the regulations outlined by the Department of Environmental Protection, every public water system must have a Primary Licensed Operator and a Secondary Licensed Operator for the treatment and distribution of drinking water. These operators must be certified in accordance with 236 CMR: Board of Certification of Operators of Drinking Water Supply Facilities.

The Primary Operator is directly responsible for the operation of a treatment facility and/or distribution system, while the Secondary Operator assumes this responsibility during the temporary absence of the Primary Operator or during operational shifts when the Primary Operator is not scheduled to work. It’s crucial to note that personnel in administrative roles, such as city engineers or clerks, are not considered directly responsible for the public water system unless authorized in writing by the Department.

CSS ensures that public water systems comply with these staffing requirements by providing certified operators who are knowledgeable and experienced in water system operations. Our team is dedicated to ensuring the safe and proper operation of distribution systems, with the Primary Operator present at least one seven-hour working shift each day for five days during each work week and available to respond to emergencies within one hour at all times. The Secondary Operator is present at the distribution system during any working shift when the Primary Operator is not required to be present.

With their team of certified licensed operators, CSS is the go-to source for guidance on water system operations guidelines and trained personnel requirements, helping public water systems comply with regulations and ensuring the safety and integrity of their operations. Contact CSS today to learn more about their services and how they can assist with your certification operator’s needs.  Email us at for more information.