The Commonwealth has announced that $950,000 is available to provide law enforcement agencies with access to critical incident stress management and peer support programs to address police officer mental wellness and suicide prevention. This is a competitive grant for police departments that employ emergency services providers who are currently certified by the State Peer Support Network or International Critical Incident Stress foundation and who provide crisis intervention services.

An example of an eligible grant activity is hiring therapists/clinicians to train service providers in techniques to cope with crisis or to provide emergency response to critical incidents. The grant will provide up to four months of funding from March – June 2023. Departments who wish to apply must fill out a one-page intent to apply form that must be submitted by February 10th.

We assist our clients in researching and obtaining grant funding each year by crafting compelling applications and identifying ways to scale effective programs. We offer a full variety of grant writing, management, and technical assistance services customized to the needs of our clients. Our team is skilled at overseeing the entire grant life cycle, from proposal to close and everything in between. Our team has experience in assisting with the pre – award management, approval process, tracking payments, reviewing budgets, producing relevant reports, and post – award contract compliance.